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This board is the governing body of Queensbury Theatre and its education wing, the Tribble School for the Performing Arts. Directors must apply and be elected by the existing board and, once elected, be able to serve a 3 year term as a voting member of the full elected board - terms running from June 1st through May 31st of each year.


All full elected board directors are expected to attend monthly board meetings, and to serve on at least one sub-committee.


Full Board Directors commit to supporting the ongoing mission of QT and TSPA programming with a combination of time and resources.


A minimum $1,500 Annual Qualifying Contribution is required.


Queensbury's new Advisory Board is perfect for anyone wanting to support QT and TSPA without the larger time commitment of the fully elected board.


Advisory Board members are invited to attend one annual board meeting each season in January - but their primary commitment is made up of social events throughout the year in support of QT and TSPA programming.  


Fill out your application today and come party throughout the year with a group of like-minded community members with a passion for the arts!


Advisory memberships last from January to December of each year with your annual qualifying contribution of $500.

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